ASP.NET AJAX Goodies: Documentation Download, Back Button Support, New Animation Control

Just a quick post to highlight a few cool ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 related downloads that have been posted over the last few days:

ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 Documentation Available for Download:

The ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 Documentation can now be easily downloaded for offline usage.

You can download and install your own copy of the docs here.  You can also browse all of the documentation and run all of the samples online at the web-site.

Cool ASP.NET AJAX Control to easily enable Back / Forward Button Support with AJAX:

Nikhil has updated his cool "UpdateHistory" control for the final ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 release (I first blogged about it in this old post).  This control enables developers to modify the browser's history stack - which enables AJAX integration with the back/forward buttons in the browser.  It also enables you to implement Unique URLs for bookmarking in AJAX applications.

Nikhil also includes two new controls he built as part of the package - including a nice AnimatedUpdatePanel control that displays new content retrieved using the UpdatePanel with a variety of animations, as well as a CSS StyledUpdatePanel control that adds additional CSS customization semantics.  You can watch a video of how to use these controls here on Channel9.

You can then download the source + binaries for the controls from Nikhil's web-site here.

Hope this helps,


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