Summary of reactions on my blog yesterday

I blogged yesterday about my concerns related to, Microsoft, its employees moving to this site and my blog on that same site. A lot of reactions were posted and some good arguments were given. I have to agree that when you have something to say about company X and its products, the best place to do that is where company X communicates to the world, and this site is one of those places. I have decided to stay for now, however Fabrice had some very good points: the image of this site is wrong; which was proven by a reaction of Andrew in the same thread. Brilliant :).

Fabrice worded it very good: it had the image of a true community site, however it more and more gets the image of a corporate Microsoft site. I have to agree with that. I hope in the (near) future, the image towards a true community site will return, however I fear that will not be the case, but time will tell...

Anyway, everybody who responded, thanks a lot :)


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