"Framework-Hell"-solution is here: ISV's can upgrade to VS.NET 2003 without pain.

Yesterday I blogged about a problem ISV's can run into when they are selling .NET class libraries compiled with Visual Studio.NET 2003 to customers using Visual Studio.NET 2002. Today I've found a solution, which seems to be used by other ISV's already, and which solves the problem which caused me to post my rant yesterday. Below I'll first describe in a few words the exact definition of the problem and then the solution which works without any problem for your customers. After that I'll enlighten a bit the things you have to keep an eye on when implementing this technique.

To read the complete article, click here

(It's stored as a story because it's quite long)


  • Thanks for the explanation. Would it be possible/easy to write a VS add-in that raises warnings at compile time of usage of a framework assembly of a higher version than x (x being configurable in the add-in). Even if it is indirect (your project referencing a third party assembly which references etc...)?

    This would be really usefull.

  • It definitly would be possible, you have to walk reference chains using reflection, but how to implement it as a pre-compile add-in... I really wouldn't know :)

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