Algorithmia Source Code released on CodePlex
Following the release of our BCL Extensions Library on CodePlex, we have now released the source-code of Algorithmia on CodePlex! Algorithmia is an algorithm and data-structures library for .NET 3.5 or higher and is one of the pillars LLBLGen Pro v3's designer is built on.
BCL Extensions Source Code released on CodePlex
"Is this thing still on?"
Microsoft LightSwitch: a Squier which will never be a Fender
Yesterday, Microsoft announced a new Visual Studio tool: Microsoft LightSwitch. LightSwitch is a tool which allows you to create Line of Business (LoB) applications by using a visual tool, similar to Microsoft Access, although LightSwitch can also produce applications for the web and can pull data from various sources instead of its own build-in database.
LLBLGen Pro v3.0 has been released!
After two years of hard work we released v3.0 of LLBLGen Pro today! V3.0 comes with a completely new designer which has been developed from the ground up for .NET 3.5 and higher. Below I'll briefly mention some highlights of this new release:
Why LLBLGen Pro v3.0 is better than the regular designer for EF v4.0
As a comment to my blogpost about the 12 minute long video of LLBLGen Pro with Entity Framework v4.0, Burton Roberts asks:
LLBLGen Pro v3.0 with Entity Framework v4.0 (12m video)
Today I recorded a video in which I illustrate some of the database-first functionality available in LLBLGen Pro v3.0. LLBLGen Pro v3.0 also supports model-first functionality, which I hope to illustrate in an upcoming video. LLBLGen Pro v3.0 is currently in beta and is scheduled to RTM some time in May 2010. It supports the following frameworks out of the box, with more scheduled to follow in the coming year: LLBLGen Pro RTL (our own o/r mapper framework), Linq to Sql, NHibernate and Entity Framework (v1 and v4).
Database theory, your friend for success.
In the past weeks I've read several articles / blog-posts and other digitally expressed thoughts about relational databases, query systems and how they all suck compared to K/V stores, CQRS, OODBs or whatever Hype of the Day-term. While most of them were simply re-labeling 20+ year old common knowledge, others were pretty stupid and downright sending the (novice) reader the wrong message. With 'wrong' I mean: the conclusions are based on false 'facts', assumptions and hand-waving n==1 pseudo-science.