PageMethods Support for ASP.NET 2.0

Fabrice has been working on a number of really cool extensions to ASP.NET 2.0. 

One of them is called "PageMethods", and provides a really nice way to perform strongly-typed, clean, url based navigation (with compile-time checking) across an ASP.NET application.  You can read about its features and browse a tutorial on how to use it with VS 2005 here.  Fabrice has a royality free license and you can download it for free.

Here is a pointer to a discussion group he just setup for it today.

Very cool stuff.  Special thanks to Fabrice for building it!




  • Thanks, Scott!

    I will release a new version for ASP.NET 2.0 next week or so. This one will add a number of new features and improvements, including:

    - support for the Web Application model

    - support for partial classes

    - improved support for HTTP POST

    - bug fixes

    Not too sure about the LINQ/DLINQ build provider though... :-)

  • Doh -- for some reason I thought you had also build a DLINQ provider (I saw the DLINQ article reference on your blog and got confused). Oops! ;-)

    But your PageMethods support is very cool!

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