Two Nice ASP.NET Tracing and Logging Articles
I wanted to point people at two cool new ASP.NET articles have been published recently:
Logging Client-Side JavaScript Errors to ASP.NET: In this article James walks-through a cool ASP.NET control + module he built that enables developers to add support to log client-side script errors back to the server. This enables administrators and developers to better track issues customers might be having with your site within client-side code that isn't easily logged. He provides both a binary and full source code implementation of his control + module that you can checkout. He also integrates it nicely with the new ASP.NET 2.0 Health Monitoring system. You can read all about it here.
Provider Based Service for ASP.NET Tracing: In this article Dino discusses some of the new ASP.NET 2.0 Tracing features (for example: the integration and unification of ASP.NET 2.0's tracing features with the System.Diagnostics tracing and trace-listener support used elsewhere within the .NET Framework). He also then discusses how to build a custom trace listener application. You can read all about it here.
Both of these articles were listed today on the "article of the day" posting that we do each day. If you haven't discovered this service yet, I recommend either checking the home-page of frequently for them or subscribing to the RSS feed of them here. They provide a nice, free, way to get a new ASP.NET article each day of the week (note: for some reason today we decided to even post 3 articles <g>).
Hope this helps,