ASP.NET MVC 1.0 Release Candidate Now Available

Today we shipped the ASP.NET MVC 1.0 Release Candidate (RC).  Click here to download it (note: the link just went live so if it isn’t working wait a few minutes for the server you are hitting to refresh).  It works with both Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Web Developer 2008 (which is free).

Today’s RC is the last public release of ASP.NET MVC that we’ll ship prior to the final “1.0” release.  We expect to ship the final ASP.NET MVC 1.0 release next month.

In addition to bug fixes, today’s build includes several new features.  It also includes some refinements to existing features based on customer feedback.  Please read the release notes that ship with the ASP.NET MVC download for full details on all changes.  The release notes include detailed instructions on how to upgrade existing applications built with the ASP.NET MVC Beta to the RC.

Visual Studio Tooling Improvements

The RC includes several new Visual Studio tooling features (above and beyond the existing support in the beta – which I won’t cover here).  These features include:

Add Controller Command

You can now type Ctrl-M, Ctrl-C within an ASP.NET MVC project, or right-click on the /Controller folder and choose the “Add->Controller” context menu item to create new controller classes:

This will cause an “Add Controller” dialog to appear that allows you to name the Controller to create, as well as optionally indicate whether you wish to automatically “scaffold” common CRUD methods:

Clicking the “Add” button will cause the controller class to be created and added to the project:

Add View Command

You can now type Ctrl-M, Ctrl-V within a Controller action method, or right-click within an action method and choose the “Add View” context menu item to create new view templates:

This will cause an “Add View” dialog to appear that allows you to name and create a new view (it is pre-populated with convention-based options).  It allows you to create “empty” view templates, or automatically generate/scaffold view templates that are based on the type of object passed to the view by the Controller action method.  The scaffolding infrastructure uses reflection when creating view templates – so it can scaffold new templates based on any POCO (plain old CLR object) passed to it.  It does not have a dependency on any particular ORM or data implementation.

For example, below we are indicating that we want to scaffold a “List” view template based on the sequence of Product objects we are passing from our action method above:

Clicking the “Add” button will cause a view template to be created for us within the \Views\Products\ directory with a default “scaffold” implementation:

We can then run our application and request the /products URL within our browser to see a listing of our retrieved products:

The RC ships with a number of built-in scaffold templates: “Empty”, “List”, “Details”, “Edit” and “Create” (you can also add your own scaffold templates – more details on this in a moment). 

For example, to enable product editing support we can implement the HTTP-GET version of our “Edit” action method on our Products controller like below and then invoke the “Add View” command:

Within the “Add View” dialog we can indicate we are passing a “Product” object to our view and choose the “Edit” template option to scaffold it:

Clicking the “Add” button will cause an edit view template to be created with a default scaffold implementation within the \Views\Products\ directory:

We can then run our application and request the /products/edit/1 URL within our browser to edit the Product details:

To save edit changes we can implement the HTTP-POST version of our “Edit” action method on our Products controller:

Notice in the code above how in the case of an error (for example: someone enters a bogus string for a number value) we redisplay the view.  The “edit” and “create” scaffold templates contain the HTML validation helper methods necessary to preserve user input and flag invalid input elements in red when this happens:

You’ll rarely end up using a scaffold-created template exactly as-is, and often will end up completely replacing it.  But being able to get an initial implementation up and running quickly, and having an initial view template for your scenario that you can then easily tweak is really useful.

Because the scaffold infrastructure supports scaffolding views against any plain-old CLR object, you can use it with both domain model objects (including those mapped with LINQ to SQL, LINQ to Entities, nHibernate, LLBLGen Pro, SubSonic, and other popular ORM implementations) as well as to create scaffolds with custom Presentation Model/ViewModel classes.

Adding and Customizing Scaffold Templates

ASP.NET MVC’s scaffolding infrastructure is implemented using Visual Studio’s built-in T4 templating architecture (Scott Hanselman has a nice blog post on T4 here). 

You can customize/override any of the built-in ASP.NET MVC scaffold template implementations.  You can also create additional scaffold templates (for example: the “ScottGu Crazy Look” scaffold option) and have them be displayed as options within the “Add View” dialog.

To customize/add scaffold templates at the machine-wide level, open the “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\CSharp\Web\MVC\CodeTemplates” folder:

The “AddController” sub-folder contains the scaffold template for the “Add Controller” dialog.  The “AddView” sub-folder contains the scaffold templates for the “Add View” dialog:

The scaffold templates populated within the “Add View” dialog are simply text files that have the “.tt” file-name extension.  These “.tt” text files contain inline C# or VB code that executes when the template is selected. 

You can open and edit any of the existing files to customize the default scaffolding behavior.  You can also add new “.tt” template files – like I have above with the “Scott Crazy” file.  When you add a new template file the “Add View” dialog will be updated to automatically include it in the list of available scaffold options:

In addition to customizing/adding template files at the machine level, you can also add/override them at the individual project level.  This also enables you to check-in the templates under source control and easily use them across a team.

You can customize the scaffold templates at a project level by adding a “CodeTemplates” folder underneath your project.  You can then have “AddController” and “AddView” sub-folders within it:

You can override any of the default machine-wide templates simply be adding a “.tt” file with the same name to the project.  For example, above we are overriding the default “” scaffold template used in “Add Controller” scenarios. 

You can add new view-template scaffold files to the list by placing them within the “AddView” folder.  For example, above we added a “Yet Another Crazy” view template to our project.  When we use the “Add View” dialog we’ll now see a union of the templates defined at the machine and project level:

Note: When you add “.tt” templates under the \CodeTemplates folder make sure to set the “Custom Tool” property of each of the “.tt” template files to an empty string value within the property grid (otherwise you’ll get an error trying to run it).  You might also need to close and reopen the project to clear a spurious error from the error list.  We’ll be publishing more blog posts that cover creating/customizing scaffolding templates shortly.

Go To Controller / Go To View

The RC build now supports the ability to quickly navigate between the Controllers and Views within your projects. 

When your cursor is within a Controller action method you can type Ctrl-M, Ctrl-G to quickly navigate to its corresponding view template.  You can also perform this same navigation jump by right-clicking within the action method and selecting the “Go To View” menu option:

In the example above we used the “Go To View” command within the “Edit” action method of the ProductsController class.  This will cause the \Views\Products\Edit.aspx view template to be opened and have the default focus within VS:

Within view templates you can also now type Ctrl-M, Ctrl-G to quickly navigate to the view’s corresponding Controller class.  You can also perform this navigation jump by right-clicking within the view template and selecting the “Go To Controller” menu option:

MSBuild Task for Compiling Views

By default when you do a build on an ASP.NET MVC project it compiles all code within the project, except for the code within view template files.  With the ASP.NET MVC Beta you had to roll your own MSBuild task if you wanted to compile the code within view templates.  The ASP.NET MVC RC build now includes a built-in MSBuild task that you can use to include views as part of the project compilation process.  This will verify the syntax and code included inline within all views, master pages, and partial views for the application, and give you build errors if it encounters any problems.

For performance reasons we don't recommend running this for quick compiles during development, but it is convenient to add to particular build configuration profiles (for example: staging and deployment) and/or for use with Build or CI (continuous integration) servers.  Please review the release notes for the steps to enable this.

View Refactoring Support

The names of the files and folders under the \Views application sub-folder will now automatically be updated when you perform controller class rename or action method rename using the “Rename” refactoring command in VS 2008.  VS 2008 will apply the standard convention-based naming pattern to existing view files/folders when the Controller class is updated.

View Improvements

The RC build includes a number of view-specific enhancements that were incorporated based on feedback during the preview releases.

Views without Code-Behind Files

Based on feedback we’ve changed view-templates to not have a code-behind file by default.  This change helps reinforce the purpose of views in a MVC application (which are intended to be purely about rendering and to not contain any non-rendering related code), and for most people eliminates unused files in the project.

The RC build now adds C# and VB syntax support for inheriting view templates from base classes that use generics.  For example, below we are using this with the Edit.aspx view template – whose “inherits” attribute derives from the ViewPage<Product> type:

One nice benefit of not using a code-behind file is that you'll now get immediate intellisense within view template files when you add them to the project.  With previous builds you had to do a build/compile immediately after creating a view in order to get code intellisense within it.  The RC makes the workflow of adding and immediately editing a view compile-free and much more seamless.

Important: If you are upgrading a ASP.NET MVC project that was created with an earlier build make sure to follow the steps in the release notes – the web.config file under the \Views directory needs to be updated with some settings in order for the above generics based syntax to work.

Model Property

With previous builds of ASP.NET MVC, you accessed the strongly typed model object passed to the view using the ViewData.Model property:

The above syntax still works, although now there is also a top-level "Model" property on ViewPage that you can also use:

This property does the same thing as the previous code sample - its main benefit is that it allows you to write the code a little more concisely.  It also allows you to avoid using the ViewData dictionary in cases where you want the view template to only interact with the strongly-typed model passed to it.

Setting the Title

The default master-page template added to new ASP.NET MVC projects now has an <asp:contentplaceholder/> element within its <head> section.  This makes it much easier for view templates to control the <title> element of the HTML page rendered back – and not require the Controller to explicitly pass a “title” parameter to configure it (which was the default with previous ASP.NET MVC builds and we thought questionable from a responsibilities perspective). 

For example, to customize the <title> of our Edit view to include the current product name we can now add the below code to our Edit.aspx template to drive the title directly off of the model object being passed the view:

The above code will then cause the browser to render the title using the Product name at runtime:

In addition to setting the <title> element, you can also use the above approach to dynamically add other <head> elements at runtime.  Another common scenario this is useful with is configuring model/view specific <meta/> elements for search engine optimization. 

Strongly Typed HTML/AJAX Helpers

One of the requests a few people have asked for is the ability to use strongly-typed expression syntax (instead of strings) when referring to the Model when using a View's HTML and AJAX helper objects.

With the beta build of ASP.NET MVC this wasn't possible, since the HtmlHelper and AjaxHelper helper classes didn't expose the model type in their signature, and so people had to build helper methods directly off of the ViewPage<TModel> base class in order to achieve this. 

The ASP.NET MVC RC build introduces new HtmlHelper<TModel> and AjaxHelper<TModel> types that are exposed on the ViewPage<TModel> base class.  These types now allow anyone to build strongly-typed HTML and AJAX helper extensions that use expression syntax to refer to the View's model.  For example:

The HTML form helper extension methods in the core ASP.NET MVC V1 assembly still use the non-expression based string syntax.  The “MVC Futures” assembly released today (which works with the RC) has a few initial implementations of expression-syntax based form helper methods.   We are going to iterate on these a bit longer and then consider adding them into the ASP.NET MVC core assembly in the next release. 

You can of course also add your own helper methods (using either strings or strongly-typed expressions).  The built-in HTML/AJAX helper methods can also optionally be removed (because they are extension methods) if you want to replace or override them with your own

Form Post Improvements

The RC build includes a number of form-post specific enhancements:

[Bind(Prefix=””)] No Longer Required for Common Scenarios

The RC build no longer requires you to explicitly use a [Bind] attribute (or set its prefix value to “”) in order to map incoming form post parameters that do not have a prefix to complex action method parameters.

To see what this means, let’s implement the “Create” scenario for our ProductsController.  We’ll begin by implementing the HTTP-GET version of our “Create” action method.  We’ll do this with code below that returns a View based on an empty Product object:

We can then right-click within our action method, choose the “Add View” command and scaffold a “create” view template that is based on a Product:

Notice above how our Html.TextBox() helper methods are referencing the “ProductName” and “SupplierID” properties on our Product object.  This will generate HTML markup like below where the input “name” attributes are “ProductName” and “SupplierID”:

We can then implement the HTTP-POST version of our “Create” action method. We’ll have our action method take a Product object as a method parameter:

With the ASP.NET MVC Beta we would have had to add a [Bind(Prefix=””)] attribute in front of our Product argument above – otherwise the ASP.NET MVC binding infrastructure would have only looked for form post values with a “productToCreate.” prefix (for example: productToCreate.ProductName and productToCreate.SupplierID) and not found the submitted values from our form (which don’t have a prefix). 

With the RC build, the default action method binders still first attempt to map a productToCreate.ProductName form value to the Product object.  If they don’t find such a value, though, they now also attempt to map “ProductName” to the Product object.  This makes scenarios where you pass in complex objects to an action method syntactically cleaner and less verbose.  You can take advantage of this feature both when mapping domain objects (like our Product object above) as well as with Presentation Model/ViewModel classes (like a ProductViewModel class).

A completed implementation of our Create action method (including basic input type error handling) might look like below:

Now our create action will save the Product object if all values are entered correctly.  When a user attempts to create a Product with invalid Product property values (for example: a string “Bogus” instead of a valid Decimal value), the form will redisplay and flag the invalid input elements in red:

ModelBinder API Improvements

The model binding infrastructure within the ASP.NET MVC Release Candidate has been refactored to add additional extensibility points to enable custom binding and validation schemes.  You can read more about these details in the ASP.NET MVC RC release notes.

Model Binders can also now be registered for interfaces in addition to classes. 

IDataErrorInfo Support

The default model binder with ASP.NET MVC now supports classes that implement the IDataErrorInfo interface.  This enables a common approach to raise validation error messages in a way that can be shared across Windows Forms, WPF and now ASP.NET MVC applications.

Unit Testing Improvements

The ASP.NET MVC RC includes some significant improvements to unit testing:

ControllerContext changed to no longer derive from RequestContext

The RC build includes a refactoring of the ControllerContext class that significantly simplifies common unit testing scenarios.  The ControllerContext class no longer derives from RequestContext and now instead encapsulates RequestContext and exposes it as a property.  The properties of ControllerContext and its derived types are also now virtual instead of sealed – making it significantly easier to create mock objects.

To see how this helps, let’s consider an action method like below that uses both the “Request” and “User” intrinsic objects:

Testing the above action method with previous ASP.NET MVC builds would have required mocking RequestContext and ControllerContext (with some non-obvious constructors that also brought in a RouteData object).

With the RC build we can now unit test it like below (using Moq to mock a ControllerContext for our Controller that allows us to simulate the Request.IsAuthenticated and User.Identity.Name properties):

The refactoring improvements made help out not just with testing Controller actions – but also help with testing filters, routes, custom actionresult types, and a variety of other scenarios.

AccountsController Unit Tests

The ASP.NET MVC Project Template included with the RC build now adds 25 pre-built unit tests that verify the behavior of the AccountsController class (which is a controller added to the project by default to handle login and account management scenarios).  This makes refactoring/updating AccountsController easier.  The AccountsController implementation has also been modified to more easily enable non-Membership Provider based credential systems to be integrated.

Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Protection

Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks (also referred to as XSRF attacks) cause users of a trusted browser agent to take unintended actions on a site.  These attacks rely on the fact that a user might still be logged in to another site.  A malicious Web site exploits this by creating a request to the original site (for example: by linking to a URL on the site using a <img src=””/> element on the hacker site). The request is made using the user’s browser and thus with the user’s authentication token and credentials. The attacker hopes that the user’s authentication or session cookie is still valid and if so, the attacker can sometimes take disruptive action.  You can learn more about this hacking technique here.

The ASP.NET MVC RC now includes some built-in CSRF protection helpers that can help mitigate CSRF attacks.  For example, you can now use the Html.AntiForgeryToken() helper to render a hidden input token within forms:

This helper issues a HTTP cookie and renders a hidden input element into our form.  Malicious web-sites will not be able to access both values.

We can then apply a new [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] attribute onto any action method we want to protect:

This will check for the existence of the appropriate tokens, and prevent our HTTP-POST action method from running if they don’t match (reducing the chance of a successful CSRF attack).

File Handling Improvements

The ASP.NET MVC RC includes a number of file handling enhancements:

FileResult and File() helper method

The RC build adds a new FileResult class that is used to indicate that a file is being returned as an ActionResult from a Controller action method.  The Controller base class also now has a set of File() helper methods that make it easy to create and return a FileResult.

For example, let’s assume we are trying to build a photo management site.  We could define a simple “Photo” class like below that encapsulates the details about a stored Photo:

We could then use the new File() helper method like below to implement a “DisplayPhoto” action method on a PhotoManager controller that could be used to render the Photo out of a database store.  In the code below we are passing the File() helper the bytes to render, as well as the mime-type of the file. If we pointed a <img src=””/> element at our action method URL the browser would display the photo inline within a page:

If we wanted an end-user to be able to download the photo and save it locally, we could implement a “DownloadPhoto” action method like below.  In the code below we are passing a third parameter – which will cause ASP.NET MVC to set a header that causes the browser to display a “Save As…” dialog which is pre-populated with the filename we’ve supplied:

When a user clicks a link to the /PhotoManager/DowloadPhoto/1232 URL they’ll be prompted to save the picture:

File Uploading Support

The RC build also includes built-in model-binder support for uploaded files and multi-part mime content. 

For example, we could have a <form> whose enctype attribute is set to “multipart/form-data” perform a post to the /PhotoManager/UploadPhoto URL.  If a <input type=”file” name=”fileToUpload”/> element was within the form it would cause the file selected by the end-user to be passed to our action method as an HttpPostedFileBase object:

We could then use the HttpPostedFileBase object to get access to the raw bytes of the uploaded file, its mime-type, and optionally save it to a database or disk.

AJAX Improvements

The ASP.NET MVC RC includes a number of AJAX enhancements:

jQuery Intellisense Files included within ASP.NET MVC Project Template

Newly created ASP.NET MVC projects now include both the standard jQuery library (both full and compressed versions), as well as the –vsdoc intellisense documentation file used by Visual Studio to provide richer intellisense support for it (you can learn more about this here):

This enables rich jQuery JavaScript intellisense within client-script blocks and JavaScript files:

Today’s RC build ships jQuery 1.2.6.  We are planning to ship the upcoming jQuery 1.3.1 release for the final ASP.NET MVC 1.0 release, and will include an updated JavaScript intellisense file for it. 

Request.IsAjaxRequest Property

The Request.IsAjaxRequest property can be used to detect whether a request is being sent from an AJAX call on the client (and is useful for scenarios where you want to gracefully degrade if AJAX is not enabled).  The logic within this method was updated with the RC to now recognize the “X-Requested-With” HTTP header (in addition to the form field sent by ASP.NET AJAX).  This is a well known header sent by JavaScript libraries such a Prototype, jQuery, and Dojo – and now enables a unified way to check for AJAX within an ASP.NET MVC request. 

JavaScriptResult ActionResult and JavaScript() helper method

The Controller base class now has a JavaScript() helper method that returns a new ActionResult class of type JavaScriptResult.  This supports the ability to return raw JavaScript that will then be executed on the client by the built-in ASP.NET MVC helper methods.  This can be useful for scenarios where you want to cause conditional JavaScript to execute on the client based on server logic.


We are pretty excited to be in the final “home stretch” of ASP.NET MVC V1.  Please report any issues you find with the RC build as soon as possible so that we can get them resolved for the final release.  The team plans to carefully monitor feedback over the next few weeks, and assuming no big issues come up ship the official V1 build next month.

Hope this helps,



  • That´s great news! Lots of customers had been asking for this.

  • Awesome!!

    Thanks Scott. Can't wait for the final release.

    Jose Guay

  • Great! We are waiting for v1.0.

  • Very excited! Thanks for all of the hard work!

  • This really is great news. We've been working holding off on a CMS project for months waiting for the release.

  • Holy long post Batman!

    Awesome news.. been waiting for this since your teaser a few weeks back :-)

  • Thanks Scott eagerly waiting for the final release...

  • Great news. Will there be an official release of "Scott Crazy Look"?

  • Scott,

    Thanks to you and your entire team.

  • Your timing couldn't be more perfect. Just got the go ahead yesterday to use MVC in a new project we're ramping up for right now.

  • Thank Scott for this info. ASP.nET MVC Is the Best

  • Awesome set of improvements! Thanks Scott & ASP.NET MVC team!

    Kudos for the Act, Arrange, Assert comments included in the Mocking sample.

  • Awesome, grats on the RC release. =)

  • It really looks nice!

    It's been a very interesting journey from Preview 1 to this RC1.

    Tonight will be the 7th update of my MVC demo site, but I think I will enjoy it alot this time.

    Thanks for an excellent job!

  • Congrats Scott, Phil, et al! It's definitely a very impressive set of features over the Beta. Can't wait for the final release!

  • I wish I had been following ASP.NET MVC since it started. I've only been along for the side since Preview 4, but want to say that the development and community interaction (via blogs such as this and many others by MS employees) has been phenomenal and a model I wish all other MS projects followed. Thanks again!

  • Great news... except now I have to update all my example code ;-)

  • Impressive release, you and your team has worked hard on this one. One question I have, do you have a strategy to protect against CSRF GET, opposed to POST attacks? Or is your advice to follow HTTP standards and use GET requests exclusively for read-only actions?

  • Scott.. is the RC compatible with Windows Azure out of the box?

  • Congrats to you and your Team!

    A quick question, is there some guidance available on how I could "interface" this with a regular ASP.Net Web application?

    Just a kind of scenario where I could have the best of both worlds i.e. some pages view viewstate and regular controls and some other with the power of MVC routing for example.

    Also, in a future post, it would good to highlight pros and cons of each technology...

    Thanks, and keep it up!

  • Fantastic! I think the new enhancements will go along way to getting more developers interested in the MVC Framework.

  • Very good, I had just downloaded beta yesterday so this makes life so much easier now. going to recreate my project now.

  • Great, but new features in a release candidate?

  • Great news but the Beta refuses to uninstall, at least on Windows 7. "There is a problem with this Windows installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected."

  • Hey Scott,

    I am pretty sure RC introduced a bug in UrlHelper url generation code when working with ajax calls, because it tries to convert virtual path to client url by using async request path, which might be different (usually is, if executed action is on different controller) than original view path. This results with generated url strings being relative to async request path, not the original referer path, which renders them invalid in view that requested async operation.

    Shouldnt url generation code take into consideration, if its executed as async request and not convert virtual path to client url for such requests?

  • Great. Now it means I don't have to go to production with a Beta version.

  • You know what irritates me, ping backs in comments.
    But on topic, everyone on the ASP.NET MVC team, great job!
    Shouldn't the CSRF check be included as standard though? (I suppose intranet sites would not need it) I would love to see the ability for this to be set in your Web.config, this would eleviate the need for a Html.AntiForgeryToken() reference on every page and the Validate command, which is extra code if you know you want all your pages using it.

  • Anyone else getting a Error while installing the RC?
    Error in devend.exe

    Exeption: Access Violation
    Breaks at the current line of devenv.exe:
    retval = (size_t)HeapSize(_crtheap, 0, pblock);

    Help anyone?

  • Awesome timing - I'm just wrapping up a project I've been building on beta, and really been waiting for RC for stuff like no-codebehind views etc

  • Great Scott. And I saw you using Windows 7 (there is a Send Feedback message on window).

  • Has there been any additional functionality added to streamline passing data to MasterViewPages? For example, say you wanted to display an html menu using data from the database. This would need to be queried on every action. I've read about doing this in one place with a basecontroller class but it seems like there might be a better way.

  • Hi Scott Good news for MVC. By the way any chance we can get on with the talk on the .Net Coffee Break show some time next week? My fellow developers in Ireland are waiting for your talk ;-))

    Thanks for your reply

  • Whats happened to:
    1) UpdateModel - no longer accepts a FormCollection
    2) AuthorizationContext - no longer has a Cancel property
    3) UrlHelper - no longer accepts a ViewContext

    Apart from those breaking changes, looks good. Thanks

  • Awesome post and AWESOME news ASP.NET MVC team! <3 to the entire team!

    Question Guru-Gu:
    "This will check for the existence of the appropriate tokens, and prevent our HTTP-POST action method from running if they don’t match (reducing the chance of a successful CSRF attack)."

    So if a site tries to do a CSRF attack (and this check picks this up), what happens? we goto a 404 page with the correct response codes? Can we customise the 'error' page? is it a 500 server error? cheers :)

    (yes, i could check the code but I thought I should ask so other people will go 'ahh... ohhh. kewl, i get it!'.


  • Wow, great improvements! T4 templates are a smart way to do scaffolding, this way we will probably see some scaffolding solutions on codeplex. Also the conventions are starting to look nice, just what I was hoping to see in this project.

    PS. Props for using Moq, it's sooo great!

  • Congratulations to you and your team.


  • You continue to make life better for your developers and inspire us.

  • @Barry,

    >>>>> Great news. Will there be an official release of "Scott Crazy Look"?


    - Scott

  • I have a few questions as well...

    1) Is this considered a feature-locked release? In other words, will anything change between now and the final release?

    2) This is a pretty radical departure from WebForms, but I'd like my team to start understanding it. What's the state of the documentation?

    Looking forward to digging in!

  • @Josh,

    >>>>>>> Impressive release, you and your team has worked hard on this one. One question I have, do you have a strategy to protect against CSRF GET, opposed to POST attacks? Or is your advice to follow HTTP standards and use GET requests exclusively for read-only actions?

    I think for V1 the CSRF support is primarily for POST scenarios. I generally recommend using POST for any destructive or update scenarios. This not only protects against CSRF but also against search engines that follow links on your site.

    Hope this helps,


  • @James,

    >>>>>>> Scott.. is the RC compatible with Windows Azure out of the box?

    It should work in Azure - although you'll need to update the web.config to support it. The RC versions works fine on .NET 3.5 and 3.5 SP1 - which is what Azure supports.

    Hope this helps,


  • Lots of great things added! I'm glad to see that Request.IsAjaxRequest was fixed to work with jQuery. Will make updates to Are there any changes to partial or medium trust support?

  • @YVan,

    >>>>>>> A quick question, is there some guidance available on how I could "interface" this with a regular ASP.Net Web application?Just a kind of scenario where I could have the best of both worlds i.e. some pages view viewstate and regular controls and some other with the power of MVC routing for example.

    Scott Hanselman has done a few blog posts on this. Expect to see a lot more guidance/info on enabling these scenarios in the future since they will be super common.

    >>>>>>> Also, in a future post, it would good to highlight pros and cons of each technology...

    Yep - we'll definitely do this. One misperception some people have is that WebForms is going away - it definitely isn't. We have a bunch of great new WebForms features coming out this year (including routing integration, better id and viewstate control, and more) that will be very compelling.



  • @Troy,

    >>>>>>>> I'm specifically curious about the part where it says "when the application is running in *localhost* debug mode." Does this refer to the "debug" attribute on the web.config's compilation element? As far as I know the debug attribute may only be set to true or false, but being able to set it to "localhost" would be GREAT (though I'm not sure how that could work technically). Also, any ETA on the source being available on CodePlex?

    I just sent mail off to the team to find out!



  • @Sam,

    >>>>>>>> Great news but the Beta refuses to uninstall, at least on Windows 7. "There is a problem with this Windows installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected."

    Can you send me an email with more details on this issue? We can then figure out how to get it working for you.



  • @Maciej,

    >>>>>>>>> I am pretty sure RC introduced a bug in UrlHelper url generation code when working with ajax calls, because it tries to convert virtual path to client url by using async request path, which might be different (usually is, if executed action is on different controller) than original view path. This results with generated url strings being relative to async request path, not the original referer path, which renders them invalid in view that requested async operation. Shouldnt url generation code take into consideration, if its executed as async request and not convert virtual path to client url for such requests?

    Any chance you could ask this question on the ASP.NET MVC forums on I will forward your comment along to the team - but I think it might be best to loop you in directly with them on the forums (they monitor the forums pretty closely).



  • @Graham,

    >>>>> You know what irritates me, ping backs in comments.

    Yep - they bug me too, but unfortunately I haven't found an easy way to filter this with my blog software

    >>>>> But on topic, everyone on the ASP.NET MVC team, great job! Shouldn't the CSRF check be included as standard though? (I suppose intranet sites would not need it) I would love to see the ability for this to be set in your Web.config, this would eleviate the need for a Html.AntiForgeryToken() reference on every page and the Validate command, which is extra code if you know you want all your pages using it.

    I wouldn't be surprised if in the next release we have a config switch that has some options to have it output automatically by the Html.Form() helpers. There are scenarios, though, where you don't want to have it - which is why we were worried about having it always on by default.



  • @Sam,

    >>>>>>> Anyone else getting a Error while installing the RC?

    If you can send me an email ( then I can loop you in with the team to figure out what is wrong.



  • @Vitor,

    >>>>>>>> Great Scott. And I saw you using Windows 7 (there is a Send Feedback message on window).

    Yep - I've been running Win7 for a little over a week now. Loving it!



  • @Jim,

    >>>>>>>> Has there been any additional functionality added to streamline passing data to MasterViewPages? For example, say you wanted to display an html menu using data from the database. This would need to be queried on every action. I've read about doing this in one place with a basecontroller class but it seems like there might be a better way.

    I don't know of anything specific added to the RC to enable this. I'll see if we can up the documentation/guidance on this though.



  • You guys have done an amazing job. RC is just what I needed to get started. Thanks!

  • The dialogs (such as Add Controller or Add View) do not look correct at 120dpi. There are either scrollbars or overlapping fields.

  • Great work done by the whole team :)

    There's only one problem that I can see with the early release work on the mvc framework, which is that from Preview 1 people have been blogging/writing samples on how to do certain tasks with the framework. So when you're stuck on how to do a certain task and come to a solution only to find that it still has ControllerAction attributes and incorrect method names it's a little confusing to say the least - especially if you're new and still learning. I'm not really sure what can be done about this - certainly not hold back on getting it out there.

    Looking forward to the big 1.0!

  • Guru ScottGu,
    Great news. Congrats for the GREAT work.

  • Congrats on the release. I am dreading learning a whole new way of web development and will probably hold off for a while to let common patterns and solutions emerge, but it looks like this is the right way to do it.

  • Is there anything in my proj files that needs to be updated from Beta to RC ?

    I didn't see anything significant outside of the web.config, and new MSBuild from the readme - however, I wanted to make sure my previously created Beta project would work ok -and if not, what should I add ?

  • Very exciting stuff.
    Reading the release notes I noticed the following beta migration requirement : Update the section the Web.config file In the Views folder to match the following example. (The changed elements are in bold.)

    However in my Views/web.config I have NOTHING in and I only created the template BRAND NEW last week from the beta.

    other than that its perfect :)

  • A tweet from scottgal - "Fun fact, ScottGu was up until 5 am this morning writing his MVC RC blog post, if you ever wondered what it takes to be a VP"
    Hi ScottGu,
    You are really amazing. Thanks a lot for your community supports.

  • Scott,

    Thanks for RC.

    It looks like if I want to use a class which is defined in referenced assembly as a model for a view using Add View menu command (VWD Express), the command throws an exception that it cannot load type information (here goes my class name from "Data" assembly) from "Web" assembly. Which is not surprising (the type is not in Web assembly), however is kind of disappointing, because I'd like to use types from other assemblies.


  • WOW! Thanks so much for making this a reality. I have completely enjoyed using Asp.Net MVC from early preview until now. We've had wild success building a powerful and high performance, standards compliant web application with excellent design patterns in place using your bits. Sure, I may have been frustrated at the loss of RenderUserControl but we overcame and the code is cleaner because of it.

    A huge thanks to all on your team. You fixed it. I didn't think Asp.Net could be cooler than Rails, but ..somehow... you made it happen.



  • Scott,

    Congratulations! This is definately has been long awaited.

    Will the download be available from Web PI (Web Platform Installer) as well? Thanks!

  • Hi Scott,

    Great News shared.

    I am dying to work with IronRuby and Asp.Net MVC since ages, but no good news are seen nearby.

    Can you kindly make it clear for once and all that should i leave all the hopes to work with IronRuby and Asp.Net MVC or i can still keep on dreaming with this.

    No news are bad news.. and thats really frustrating.


  • Scott, Thanks!
    I'm looking forward to feeling passionate again about development using approaches like MVC.

  • Hi Scott, I just wanted to thank you and the MVC team. Not just for the framework but for the manner in which the team has delivered it, they've really took listening to the community to a new level. I hope it's felt like as big a success within MS as it has with me and my colleagues and in the forums etc.

  • @Paul,

    >>>>>> Whats happened to:

    >>>>> 1) UpdateModel - no longer accepts a FormCollection

    UpdateModel accepts a ValueProvider, and there is a ToValueProvider() method on FormCollection that you can use to create one from a FormCollection. However - in general you shouldn't need to-do this. Instead I'd recommend not specifying a ValueProvider within your Controller action and have it update using the default Request.Forms collection. For unit testing purposes, you can then set the Controller.ValueProvider property within your unit test and populate it using the ValueProvider collection class that is built into ASP.NET MVC. You can then invoke the action method within the test and the UpdateModel() call will use the ValueProvider you've populated to set the values.

    >>>>>>>> 2) AuthorizationContext - no longer has a Cancel property
    >>>>>>>> 3) UrlHelper - no longer accepts a ViewContext

    I'm not 100% sure on the answer to those ones. If you can ask on the MVC forums on the team should be able to help you with those two.


    Apart from those breaking changes, looks good. Thanks

  • @pure.krome,

    >>>>>>>> So if a site tries to do a CSRF attack (and this check picks this up), what happens? we goto a 404 page with the correct response codes? Can we customise the 'error' page? is it a 500 server error? cheers :)

    I haven't verified it myself, but my guess is that the attribute throws an exception. You could probably customize the error page displayed using the [HandleError] attribute.

    Hope this helps,


  • Sweet
    I got only one problem when going throw the scenarios in the this article.
    When trying to go throw the strongly typed expression for HTML/AJAX Helpers e.g. t.Name)%>
    I go the error 'System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper' does not contain a definition for 'TextAreaFor'
    What am I missing?

  • @Stefan,

    >>>>>>> It appears that Url.RouteUrl(string routeName) returns blank values (for routes that used to work). I was able to circumvent this problem by doing the following:

    Can you post more details about this issue on the MVC forum at Or alternatively send me email with a repro (



  • @Jeff,

    >>>>>> 1) Is this considered a feature-locked release? In other words, will anything change between now and the final release?

    The feature-set now is pretty locked. There will probably be a few small tweaks, but in general it is just last minute bug fixes now.

    >>>>>>> 2) This is a pretty radical departure from WebForms, but I'd like my team to start understanding it. What's the state of the documentation?

    I'm actually working on an ASP.NET MVC book right now, and will be posted it online for free. If you wait another few weeks you'll have an end to end tutorial that covers the "why and how" ASP.NET MVC works and provides a good blue-print that you and your team will be able to use to build applications with it.

    Hope this helps,


  • @Jarrett,

    >>>>>>>> Are there any changes to partial or medium trust support?

    ASP.NET MVC supports partial and medium trust scenarios.

    Hope this helps,


  • @Jarrett,

    >>>>>>> The dialogs (such as Add Controller or Add View) do not look correct at 120dpi. There are either scrollbars or overlapping fields.

    Thanks for this bug report. I just forwarded it onto the team to look at.



  • @Steve,

    >>>>>>> Is there anything in my proj files that needs to be updated from Beta to RC ?

    I don't believe anything changes in your project file - it is more the web.config files that need to be updated.



  • @Angus,

    >>>>>>> Are you aware of the awesome work Rob Conery has been doing with MVC Storefront?

    Definitely! Rob's work is awesome. :-)



  • @Alex,

    >>>>>>>> It looks like if I want to use a class which is defined in referenced assembly as a model for a view using Add View menu command (VWD Express), the command throws an exception that it cannot load type information (here goes my class name from "Data" assembly) from "Web" assembly. Which is not surprising (the type is not in Web assembly), however is kind of disappointing, because I'd like to use types from other assemblies.

    You should be able to reference a class in an external assembly, except if that assembly is in the GAC. Can you tell us if the assembly you are trying to use is in the GAC? If not, can you share more details ( so that we can investigate?



  • @Ferry,

    >>>>>>>> Will the download be available from Web PI (Web Platform Installer) as well? Thanks!

    Yes - it will definitely be part of the Web PI once the V1 release ships. I believe we'll also be updating the Web PI to point to the RC release too some point soon. Our goal is to have everything installable via WebPI.



  • @Parag,

    >>>>>>>>> Can you kindly make it clear for once and all that should i leave all the hopes to work with IronRuby and Asp.Net MVC or i can still keep on dreaming with this.

    We are planning to support both IronPython and IronRuby with ASP.NET MVC. Unfortunately I don't have an udpdated timeline on when this will be available - but it is definitely on our roadmap.



  • @Allen,

    >>>>>> I got only one problem when going throw the scenarios in the this article. When trying to go throw the strongly typed expression for HTML/AJAX Helpers e.g. Html.TextAreaFor(t=>t.Name) I got the error System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper does not contain a definition for TextAreaFor. What am I missing?

    You'll want to-do two things:

    1) Make sure that your project is referencing the MVCFutures assembly (which is a separate download). This is where the TextAreaFor() helper method lives.

    2) Make sure you add the Microsoft.Web.Mvc namespace to the within the section of your web.config file. This will cause the extension method to be automatically imported on all views. Once you do this do a compile, then close and reopen your project.

    Hope this helps,


  • "Views without Code-Behind Files" - this is great news :)

  • Scott,

    Routing has some bugs (like dealing with special characters).
    Do you plan to release an updated version of System.Web.Routing.dll with the final version of ASP.NET?

    I have also a couple of bugs with HTTP cache headers. I can't add [OutputCache(Location=OutputCacheLocation.Client, Duration=30000)] to my actions without getting an exception. The partial views are also resetting the Expires header to DateTime.Now.
    Is that kind of small issues be fixed in next release?

    Thanks to the team for the RC!

  • Why we don't have the feature of specifying the routing configurations in the web.config file?

  • Excellent post Scott, Congrats!

  • Nice this compiles in vb with option strict on

  • The "Add View" command doesn't seem to work if the Model is a client-side Data Services Proxy class for an Entity-Framework model.

    For example,
    Dim proxy As New Proxy.MyService.MyEntities(New Uri("MyDataService.svc/"))
    Dim viewData = From p In proxy.Partners Select p
    Return View(viewData)

    The view that gets generated from this only shows a "PartnerID", even though there are a dozen properties on the Partner object.



  • Link to the futures please! (I still disagree that this isn't in the install to be available...just makes it a pain for people to find it)

    "Make sure that your project is referencing the MVCFutures assembly (which is a separate download). This is where the TextAreaFor() helper method lives."

  • Thanks :)
    I have a problem with strongly typed expression in Microsoft.Web.Mvc namespace:
    <%=Html.ActionLink(c=>c.Index(), "Link") %> is not work more.
    Method not found
    "System.String System.Web.Mvc.Html.LinkExtensions.RouteLink(System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper, System.String, System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary, System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary)".

    I found, you delete method
    public static string RouteLink(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string linkText, RouteValueDictionary values, RouteValueDictionary htmlAttributes) in new version.

    What to do?

  • MVC is greaaat !! too bad i can't use it :s

  • Was it a concious decision that form values (that are not part of the model) are not persisted back to textboxes in the view after posting a form? If so what was the reasoning behind doing so? If not please fix this!

    This is different (worse IMO) behaviour from the beta / previews.

  • I am having issues with the DropDownList now.
    I Use dropdowns extensively through out my application adn made various helpers that return a SelectList with an Item selected.
    I use the following call

    Which worked perfectly
    With the new build however I get Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'DropDownList' can be called without narrowing conversion

    Any ideas?

  • Which version of ASP.NET MVC Framework will be available with .NET 4.0 - v1 or maybe vNext?

  • Very cool - I really like the new File ActionResult

  • Haha... i just laughed when i scrolled through the pictures. This is AMAZING.

    Scott and team, GREAT JOB! I am looking forward to taking mvc to my next project.

    This is just lovely, this feels like an early birthday present ( birthday tomorrow ). So, THANKS! :)

  • How can one configure or set up Spring 2.0 with ASP.NET MVC 1.0 Release Candidate

  • How can one setup or configure Spring.Net 2.0 with ASP.NET MVC 1.0 Release Candidate or ASP.NET MVC

  • How can one setup or configure Spring.Net 2.0 with ASP.NET MVC 1.0 Release Candidate or ASP.NET MVC

  • Are you using Linq to SQL in this example? Does this mean I can comfortably continue using Linq to SQL in my development?

  • Is there a step by step guide on migrating my beta MVC web app to the RC, should I just delete the code behind on the views, copy the new test cases that come with RC on the account controller, reference to the latest dlls? What is the cleanest way to do any of these migrations? Thanks a lot!

  • Hullo
    Been playing with this today --- Good job guys.
    I dont know weather this is a bug or by design but when I try to create my own filter attribute (derived from the ActionFilterAttribute) , I get an error about the constructor not taking 0 args. On envistagation I noticed that the constructor is now protected ---- not visible to my application.

    Note: The same code was working in the beta release.

  • Can I use it with Mono?

  • Loving the RC!

    One problem for me though is that the "Add View" dialog isn't picking up my models. It picks up lots of classes including some from my project, referenced projects and referenced assemblies, just not my models. Do I need to do anything special to get that bit working?

  • Scott, what are the mvc dependencies? i.e. does this require Ent Lib?

  • Nice to hear and see the features. But still one thing that I think should be added. When anybody tries to add a controller, he has to keep "controller" suffix with the file name in the popup. But it should be added automatically whether the suffix is added intentionally or not in the popup input box of controller name. Anyone can remove unintentionally the "controller" suffix.

    Is this not a major problem?

  • I keep my controllers in a separate assembly.

    The 'goto controller' and 'goto view' features do not work.

    Is there a work around for this ?

  • Very impressive! Thanks Scott & ASP.NET MVC team!

  • Scott, may I have a vssettings export of your "Fonts and Colors"? Please? I really like that color scheme. The colors rock! ;-)

  • We have developed an application, which is already in production, making its way to the hottest spot (sad I won't e there to see it) in the enterprise. I can't imagine what will happen in the community once it's officially released... Thank you!

  • Hi Scott,

    I have a action filter that compresses the data and for some reason this line of code throws a null reference exception
    HttpResponseBase response = filterContext.HttpContext.Response

    But if I change it to

    HttpResponseBase response = filterContext.Controller.ControllerContext.HttpContext.Response;

    It works fine. This was working in Beta but broke in RC1. Any idea?


  • Any plan on releasing MVC Web Site template?

  • View data class in the Add View dialog does not show my linq2sql classes in this build but it worked in beta1.

  • Let's hope Mono guys will make support as release approaches. MVC looks too good for many kinds of apps to continue write them in classic ASP.NET, and windows server os + hardware is too costly for my hobby projects.

  • I welcome the improvements. I was really excited about the scaffolding but was honestly hoping for more.

    I was disappointed that the relationships on a model seem to be ignored. It would be awesome if the code generator could detect them and create the necessary form elements and data look ups to populate drop-downs like rails does.

    I would also love to be able to scaffold whole models in one shot. For example, take an entity framework model and scaffold all the views and controllers necessary for basic crud operations, using just a single command.

    Are there any plans to add these features, and if so when might we see them?

    I realize I could probably grow my own, especially because of open t4 implementation of the current scaffold as you pointed out (which looks awesome btw), but this seems like something that is so rudimentary to the framework that it needs to be included.

  • Have a question about a breaking change with the ModelBinder. In the beta, when filling a collection it would look for a .index form field to know what indexes to process. This worked great because I could output one .index per item (order.Products.index = 1 would look for order.Products[1].), then when I added a new one I could use negative numbers (so orders.Products[-1].Price).

    In the RC, it always starts at 0 and goes up until it cannot find any more. Besides making it harder to add, if you delete a member in the middle of your set, it will not process the rest. For example, if 3 products were output, the middle one is deleted via an AJAX call, then the whole screen is save, only the first will be created. You could also use anything for the index, they did not have to be integers.

    Anyway to get the Beta functionality back, maybe flex if there is a .index? Or make some of the internal/private static methods more accessible (like DictionaryHelpers.DoesAnyKeyHavePrefix, VerifyValueUsability, CollectionHelpers.ReplaceCollection, ShouldUpdateProperty would also be useful).

  • Any plan on supporting Website project type?

  • Whatever happened to BinaryStreamResult that was part of the MVC Futures assembly?

  • I have tried to add a veiw from the Context menu of the controller. it does added the ASPX pages and it compiles with no error but during execution point i got parse error.

    Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<IEnumerable>'.


  • Scott from above

    ">>>>> 1) UpdateModel - no longer accepts a FormCollection

    UpdateModel accepts a ValueProvider, and there is a ToValueProvider() method on FormCollection that you can use to create one from a FormCollection. However - in general you shouldn't need to-do this. Instead I'd recommend not specifying a ValueProvider within your Controller action and have it update using the default Request.Forms collection. For unit testing purposes, you can then set the Controller.ValueProvider property within your unit test and populate it using the ValueProvider collection class that is built into ASP.NET MVC. You can then invoke the action method within the test and the UpdateModel() call will use the ValueProvider you've populated to set the values."

    Sorry Scott - this is very confusing what you are saying:

    "I'd recommend not specifying a ValueProvider within your Controller action and have it update using the default Request.Forms collection."

    I'm not, I just call updatemodel with my object and my formcollection. What is a ValueProvider ?


  • I just went and re-tested that UpdateModel

    Error in RC1 is now "The given key was not present in the dictionary."

    var address = new Address();
    UpdateModel(address, new [] { "Street1", "Street2", "City", "State", "PostalCode" });

    All those names are in the form.

    This worked perfectly in Beta and is now failing all over the place.

    I don't see how this is any different than your sample above either.

    I don't pass a 'FormCollection' - didn't do it in Beta either, didn't need to. I specified exactly what I want to get updated from the form as per previous posts on UpdateModel.

    Not sure why this has changed ?

    Except I do this all over the place... :(

  • It seems that a MVC view page only has .aspx file, does everyone have idea on how to add .aspx.cs and .aspx.designer.cs files under a MVC view page?


  • I should add, my form is mapping to several objects - is the binder unable to handle that senario.

    I confirmed, all my form variables are named correctly and in the request.form collection.

    That error is a mystery.

  • Great news!!! Thanks. What is the roadmap for MVC framework?

    All this is happening in a single project, not useful for many professional websites. Can we use separate projects for controllers and models while using MVC context menus?


  • Custom Model Binders (classes which implement IModelBinder) seem to cause problems with Html Helpers (Html.TextBox). Not sure if this is a bug or I am missing something. If you have a model class which is populated via a custom Model Binder then used in a strongly typed view and you render an input via the Html.TextBox helper you get a nullreference exception in the System.web.mvc.htmlhelper.getmodelstatevalue method.

  • In the beta version i have tried to use the GridView with MVC but i found it bit complex and not flexible like normal gridview.I want to know in this release client gridview is improved or not ?

  • Scott, I resolved my UpdateModel problems, etc...

    It was a base class validator that was causing the issue, not the fantastic MVC setup :)

    I do look forward to hearing what you say about those of us that split our controller/model/web into different assemblies.

    Hopefully the new GUI stuff will be able to handle that

  • Great news!!

    We just start a great project and we take the ASP.NET MVC as a base framework for front end.

  • Scott,

    I have downloaded and tried this release, One question, Can we add code behind for view page?
    I think you have mentioned that we can add server control to view page and handle page load event to bind server control such as listview.

    listView1.DataSource = ViewData("Products")

    When I hit "Show All Files" , it doesn't show up code behind file (such as Index.aspx.vb)


  • I have been working on mvc beta framework. It is really good. But still the html controllers have limitation; like one of the controller "html Grid" is having lot of limitations. Are you looking to improve html controls in this mvc framework release?

  • Very nice work from the MVC team! Hoping to see version 1 and documentation released soon...

  • Upload's view part:

    Select file

    My controller:

    public class FilesController : Controller
    public ActionResult Upload(HttpPostedFileBase uploadFile)
    return View();

    After http post uploadFile is still null. Does anyone make it work?

  • I have to add the full namespace in the inherits attribute of the page, even if I add System.Web.Mvc in the pages element of web.config, that shouldn't be necessary right?

  • I see the viewcontext constructor was also cleaned up, that saves a lot of code when mocking it! Nice.

  • One more thing I noticed: Html.TextBox("") will render an input with id=user_name and

    This is confusing, and makes it harder to make labels that are connected to the inputs.

    Why did you do this?

  • HtmlHelper.cs line 214:

    internal object GetModelStateValue(string key, Type destinationType) {
    ModelState modelState;
    if (ViewData.ModelState.TryGetValue(key, out modelState)) {
    //if appended by deerchao
    //other wise NullReferenceException is thorwed sometimes:
    return modelState.Value.ConvertTo(destinationType, null /* culture */);
    return null;

  • Thank you once again for the detailed post explaining the new features. Good ridence to code behind's in my opinion.

  • Does this include the Dynamic Data stuff that has been in the "Futures" pack (which I haven't managed to get to work)? I've been waiting for an official update to that.

  • Thank you so much.

    I've an issue about the HtmlHelper. The html id generated by HtmlHelper is usually the same as the name. For example,

    will output

    The problem is the dot "." inside the ID will cause problem in many client javascript, like JQuery, the following selector will result "function not found" error.


    It'll be grade if HtmlHelper can replace all "." to "_" in the Html id field by default.

    Thank you


  • If I try to use the CTRL+M, CTRL+V with a controller which is not part of the website's assembly I get the message on the status bar - "The key combination is bound to command (&Add View...) which is not currently available".

    My model class is also in a separate assembly.



    I did some further tests and it works if the controller class is part of the web project (even if the model is in a separate assembly, contrary to what others comments say).

    I can see why this might be hard to implement since there may be more than one web project (eg, public and admin apps) and the command wouldn't know which project you want to add it to, however it would definitely be nice to have it if it would be at all possible.

    Otherwise, seems great.

  • Hello Scott,

    Found a tiny little bug in Web.config, the authentication loginUrl should point to "~/Account/LogOn" instead of "~/Account/Login". Currently in RC, any controller action with the [Authorize] attribute will get a 404 instead of the log on page. It is a tiny problem, which can be addressed by a developer easily.

  • @Zano,

    >>>>>>> Routing has some bugs (like dealing with special characters).

    Can you post details on the issues you are seeing on the ASP.NET MVC forum at: The team can then take a look at them.



  • @Barney,

    >>>>>> However, the File helper does not take one argument - it now requires the content type. Is there any way of using this without knowing the content type in advance?

    Good question - I just sent mail to the team passing along that suggestion.



  • @Colin,

    >>>>>> Was it a concious decision that form values (that are not part of the model) are not persisted back to textboxes in the view after posting a form? If so what was the reasoning behind doing so? If not please fix this! This is different (worse IMO) behaviour from the beta / previews.

    I checked with the team, and they said this has always been the behavior, and that the form helpers never directly accessed the Request property to retrieve posted values.

    From a separation of concerns perspective, it is best to have the UI helpers always work off the data that the Controller passes to the view - can you not pass this data via either the ViewData dictionary or a custom ViewModel object?



  • @Bill,

    >>>>>>>> I am having issues with the DropDownList now. I Use dropdowns extensively through out my application adn made various helpers that return a SelectList with an Item selected. I use the following call


    >>>>>>>> Which worked perfectly. With the new build however I get Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'DropDownList' can be called without narrowing conversion Any ideas?

    Can you have your Html.StateSelectList return a SelectList object instead of what it currently uses? This should fix the issue.



  • @DevDave,

    >>>>>>> Are you using Linq to SQL in this example? Does this mean I can comfortably continue using Linq to SQL in my development?

    Yep - I am using LINQ to SQL in the above examples. LINQ to SQL works great for me.



  • @ray247,

    >>>>>>>> Is there a step by step guide on migrating my beta MVC web app to the RC, should I just delete the code behind on the views, copy the new test cases that come with RC on the account controller, reference to the latest dlls? What is the cleanest way to do any of these migrations? Thanks a lot!

    I'd recommend looking at the release notes. These document the steps necessary to upgrade.



  • @Anthony,

    >>>>>>>> Can I use it with Mono?

    We are working to enable it to be used on Mono as well.



  • @Doug,

    >>>>>>>> One problem for me though is that the "Add View" dialog isn't picking up my models. It picks up lots of classes including some from my project, referenced projects and referenced assemblies, just not my models. Do I need to do anything special to get that bit working?

    We found a bug where if you have a class in one assembly that exposes a public property for a type that lives in a separate assembly, the scaffolding templates raise an error. We are going to get that fixed for the final release.



  • @dp6,

    >>>>>>> Scott, what are the mvc dependencies? i.e. does this require Ent Lib?

    ASP.NET MVC requires .NET 3.5 (we recommend 3.5 SP1 - but it will work with vanilla 3.5 too). There are no EntLib requirements (although it will work with it).



  • @Jahedur,

    >>>>>>>> Nice to hear and see the features. But still one thing that I think should be added. When anybody tries to add a controller, he has to keep "controller" suffix with the file name in the popup. But it should be added automatically whether the suffix is added intentionally or not in the popup input box of controller name. Anyone can remove unintentionally the "controller" suffix.

    We thought showing the full name would be more discoverable and a little less magic. The selection within the dialog is set so that you can just use the keyboard (and don't need to use the mouse to keep the Controller postfix).

    Hope this helps,


  • @Steve,

    >>>>>>> I keep my controllers in a separate assembly. The 'goto controller' and 'goto view' features do not work.

    Unfortunately I'm not sure if we'll be able to enable this in V1 - but I'll forward along to the team for them to look at.



  • @Todd,

    >>>>>>>> Where can we get the latest source code? The 21526 tag on says DO NOT USE and the previous 17272 tag is older code.

    The source has been updated on CodePlex with the RC1 source.



  • @Emad,

    >>>>>>> I have a action filter that compresses the data and for some reason this line of code throws a null reference exception

    Good question - I just forwarded this report to the team for them to look at.



  • @achu,

    >>>>>>>> View data class in the Add View dialog does not show my linq2sql classes in this build but it worked in beta1.

    Are you doing a compile after adding the classes to the project? If you are still having problems please send me email ( with more details.



  • @Blake,

    >>>>>>> I welcome the improvements. I was really excited about the scaffolding but was honestly hoping for more. I was disappointed that the relationships on a model seem to be ignored. It would be awesome if the code generator could detect them and create the necessary form elements and data look ups to populate drop-downs like rails does.

    We debated on the scaffolding front exactly the approach to take. One approach would have been to hard-code it with awareness of a specific ORM implementation, but in the end we decided to go a more generic approach so that the base version worked well with any class. Having said that, we are adding a last minute feature for RTM to identify primary keys with Linq to SQL and LINQ to Entities to avoid users having to update the hyperlinks in the views for navigation. Detecting foreign keys and automatically populating drop-downlists is something we are going to look at for the next release.

    >>>>>>> I would also love to be able to scaffold whole models in one shot. For example, take an entity framework model and scaffold all the views and controllers necessary for basic crud operations, using just a single command. Are there any plans to add these features, and if so when might we see them?

    We'll be adding support for this in the future (we are working on this now). It won't make V1, but is something we'll enable.

    >>>>>>> I realize I could probably grow my own, especially because of open t4 implementation of the current scaffold as you pointed out (which looks awesome btw), but this seems like something that is so rudimentary to the framework that it needs to be included.

    Ultimately we wanted to make sure we provide good base scaffolding that works in all scenarios first, and then add the more specific scaffolding support for specific ORMs. We felt this would ensure that we had the most flexibility out of the box to handle multiple scenarios. We'll be building even more on top of it (including adding specific ORM awareness) in the future though now that we have the base support in.



  • @bchance,

    >>>>>>>> Have a question about a breaking change with the ModelBinder. In the beta, when filling a collection it would look for a .index form field to know what indexes to process. This worked great because I could output one .index per item (order.Products.index = 1 would look for order.Products[1].), then when I added a new one I could use negative numbers (so orders.Products[-1].Price). In the RC, it always starts at 0 and goes up until it cannot find any more. Besides making it harder to add, if you delete a member in the middle of your set, it will not process the rest. For example, if 3 products were output, the middle one is deleted via an AJAX call, then the whole screen is save, only the first will be created. You could also use anything for the index, they did not have to be integers. Anyway to get the Beta functionality back, maybe flex if there is a .index? Or make some of the internal/private static methods more accessible (like DictionaryHelpers.DoesAnyKeyHavePrefix, VerifyValueUsability, CollectionHelpers.ReplaceCollection, ShouldUpdateProperty would also be useful).

    Any chance you could re-post this question in the ASP.NET MVC forum on I'd love for the team to be able to drill into this scenario more with you.



  • @Feng,

    >>>>>>> Any plan on supporting Website project type?

    Our built-in tool support for MVC is going to use the web application project option. Note that this project type is now supported with the free Visual Web Developer 2008 edition (just make sure you have SP1 installed to get it).



  • @BSR,

    >>>>>>>> Whatever happened to BinaryStreamResult that was part of the MVC Futures assembly?

    This was replaced with the new FileResult feature that is built-in to the ASP.NET MVC RC core.



  • @Steve,

    >>>>>>> I kept exceptions thrown when trying to use the new 'add view'

    We found a bug where if your model class is in one assembly and exposes a public property for a type that lives in a separate assembly, the scaffolding templates raise an error. We are going to get that fixed for the final release.

    Could this be the issue you are running into?



  • You guys are geniuses. THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK!!!

  • Hey Scott,
    My VS IDE crashes when I open the MVC Project. I have VS 2008 SP1. I have MVC Beta before, uninstalled and installed MVC RC and then when I open the MVC Project that I had, the project opens and then IDE closes automatically. Any inputs that you can provide?

  • Is the following a bug in RC1?

    I have:

    which renders:
    how come I am seeing "_class" instead of "class" attribute in the anchor tag?


  • Thank you !!!! What settings do you have in your VS Editor. I just love the dark background.

  • Very excited about the new features, amazing work.
    Unfortunately, I've had no luck getting the installer to work.

    i uninstalled the previous beta first. But during install of RC i get up to 'configuring templates' step then it goes to 'removing backup files' for a moment and starts 'rolling back', telling me it didn't install properly.

    In the event log i see "Installation success or error status: 1603"
    When I run VS2008 (note:Standard edition) i see MVC project templates in the 'new project' dialog, but when i try to create an MVC project, i get "This template attempted to load an untrusted component. 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'.

    (Naturally I have screenshots of everything, etc) ;-)


  • i tried again with logging on
    msiexec /i "AspNetMVCRC-setup.msi" /q /l*v mvc.log

    it looks like the culprit is a failure during ngen. :-(

    ExecNetFx: Installing assembly System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35
    ExecNetFx: Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED))
    ExecNetFx: Error 0x8007006d: failed to allocate output string
    ExecNetFx: Error 0xffffffff: Command line returned an error.
    ExecNetFx: Error 0xffffffff: failed to execute Ngen command: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe install "System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"

  • The lack of code-behind by default is a pain. I like generating my forms in the code-behind because they are compile-time checked and easier to refactor with Resharper. Consider the following example, assigning form to a string in the aspx file:

    protected override void OnLoad(...)
    var formItems = new IFormItem[] {
    new SomeTypeOfFormItem(...),
    new OtherTypeOfFormItem(...),

    form = Html.BuildForm(c => c.Method(), "FormName", formItems);

    Using this method seems much more maintainable. Why cut off the ability to develop our code as cleanly as possible with the most possible support from third party applications??

    MVC is great, but in my opinion, removing the code-behind by default is a terrible decision.

  • The Controller.UpdateModel() method provides nice error messages whenever the input value fails to be converted to the model's property type.

    How to I replace the English text with, say, Norwegian ones?

  • What is the secret to get to the unit test for the Account Controller. I created a new project using the template and expected to be asked if I wanted a unit test project created and I never got this dialog. I don't see the unit tests anywhere.

  • I just have a question about the edit functionality and the state of the view following the simple examples provided. I click the edit and make changes, the changes persist to the database using linq as described but the original values are shown not the new values. The same query code seems to be running again and even if I set a breakpoint in the view display code which loops through displaying records creating a grid, wherein I see the correctly changed value, it doesn't show up in the display.

    It is peculiar behavior to say the least.

  • Sorry,nix that comment it was I who had made the mistake in my query code.

  • Hi Scott, I submitted my Design on Jan 18 for the MVC Design Contest. I never got approved on my design. Why is that? There is no information anywhere and I never received any email. I think approval should have take 1 day not more.

  • In the ASP.NET Webform, it has a special file called app_offline.htm. Will it be supported in MVC?

  • Hi Scott,

    Dunno if you're still reading the comments on this thread, but this is the only way I could find to contact you on your blog. Besides the fact that it's difficult to find a way to send you a comment NOT related to your blog, I simply wanted to point out that it would be really helpful if you could somehow show the date/time of your blog posts at the top of each post. There's nothing worse than reading an entire article just to find out it's a year old. And it sucks to have to scroll down to find the date/time which is somewhere between your giant posts and the hundreds of comments that follow.

    Thanks for taking time to consider these improvements!

  • I am new to MVC and am looking at this line of code in an old program that I am trying to update. I have a problem with the dropdownlist and binding the data to it.

    Html.DropDownList("Categories", ViewData["Categories"])

    It does not like this ViewData object. What can I do to fix this?

  • I am new to MVC and am looking at this line of code in an old program that I am trying to update. I have a problem with the dropdownlist and binding the data to it.

    Html.DropDownList("Categories", ViewData["Categories"])

    It does not like this ViewData object. What can I do to fix this?

  • Can't wait for the final 1.0 release. Thanks to you and the team for all of your hard work.

  • Thanks for another incredibly rich ASP.NET MVC release. It's looking like the fact that you include JQuery 1.2.6 with the RC and will move to 1.3.x in the v1.0 release was some helpful timing. I've been reading of people having issues and encountering bugs with the current rev of JQuery 1.3.x.

  • where i can download the ASP.NET MVC 1.0 Release Candidate source code!


  • Hi Scott,

    I tried to include the changes in the project file to Compile the Views (add AspNetCompiler task on AfterBuild target), and yes it works as expected when I Build through Visual Studio.

    However, it breaks when I build using Team Build, with following error:

    /temp/global.asax(1): error ASPPARSE: Could not load type 'WebClient.MvcApplication'.

    It's definitely not something to do with my build server because when I tried to open Visual Studio on the server and build it from there, it also builds fine.

    Can you please let me know if it is a known issue, and if there's any workaround?


  • Scott:


    >>>>>>> I keep my controllers in a separate assembly. The 'goto controller' and 'goto view' features do not work.

    Unfortunately I'm not sure if we'll be able to enable this in V1 - but I'll forward along to the team for them to look at.



    I know you know this... :) But a majority of applications built with mvc will have their controllers separated from the web application. It's not even good architecture IMO to not provide this. Especially anything larger than mom and pop shops.

    Monorail provided a configuration entry to define the assembly with the controllers.

    This is very short-sided of the development team to think that everyone will have the controllers embedded in the web application.

  • Awesome write up, thanks!

  • Hi Scott...

    I want to Load a UserControl from my Views Folder.
    in Old Release it Loads like

    in RC1 i don't know how u Load a UserControl

  • Well ......i got the Answer.......

    it should be

    thanx for RC Refresh

  • I´m getting the same error of SecretGeek...
    What can i do?

  • I have the similar problem to what SecretGeek mentioned earlier. It says Out of memory in the log but I have plenty. I have VS 2008 team suite, .Net 3.5 SP1, Vista Ultimate if that helps.

    ExecNetFx: Microsoft (R) CLR Native Image Generator - Version 2.0.50727.3053
    ExecNetFx: Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    ExecNetFx: Installing assembly System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35
    ExecNetFx: Out Of Memory
    ExecNetFx: Error 0x8007006d: failed to allocate output string
    ExecNetFx: Error 0xffffffff: Command line returned an error.
    ExecNetFx: Error 0xffffffff: failed to execute Ngen command: c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\ngen.exe install "System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"

  • Hi Scott....

    I have one question.....why there is two web.config files (one is at rootfolder and anthor is in "Views" folder).

    Kind Regards,

  • Where can I find the new MSBuild task?

  • great work,thank you

  • Sorry, this is not the right place, but the other blog on web deployment project is closed and I found nothing on it after hours of searching the net. OK here we go, this is the question:
    Creating a Web Site Project (not a Web Application Project) and adding a Web Deployment Project you can deploy your site with a single assembly and all the content files. These content files can be modified by a third party in a working environment (just include the bin folder) without getting your sourcecode. This is a cool workflow till you want to include those content files (ascx/aspx) back to your website solution. It doesn't work, as the deployment project removes in the page directive the CodeFile and ads a class in the inherit attribute. OK, I could write a program that reverts these modifications in those files back. ...but I can't imagine that this is the right way. Please help!


  • I had created an application using MVC Beta.
    Now the client came to me saying Migrate it and now when the fields are empty and user clicks submit it simple throws Null reference exception.
    I tried passing data from controller into my View Data ["xyz"] but still it throws null reference exception.
    I am not able to figure out why?
    Can anybody help?
    In Beta it used to show the validation message now it doesnt.

  • Whither the t4 templates?

    After installing RC, I can't find the t4 templates. 'The directory C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\CSharp\Web\MVC\CodeTemplates' does not exist on my system. I've also downloaded the source from codeplex and again no templates. I would like the source to customize and make my own templates.


  • @Steve: I really don't think the majority of web apps will have the controllers in a separate dll. I do think this is a good design for most apps. Now for larger apps, I think divided into areas, would be separate dlls, but still would be able to function as separate units. In most cases, I cannot see a good reason for this separation and in fact think it is a bad idea.

  • thx, good reviews, i like MVC :)

  • nice article. thanks

  • Nice article! Thank you!

  • Very helpful. I'm just getting started with ASP.NET MVC, and this article has given me some pointers on the exact scenarios that I am looking to implement.

  • any chance we'll get the OPTIONAL ability to add codebehind for a view as we create a new one? i'm thinking just an extra checkbox. its quite a pain to create one manually. getting the IDE to correctly link the files and remember to change all the right bits and pieces.

    here's my exhaustive list of reasons why i want it :

  • This may not be the place to ask this questions, but I can't figure out where. I am trying to find out how to access ActionLink HtmlHelper. I downloaded the RC 1, also the RC Futures assembly, added the namespace Microsoft.Web.Mvc.Controls. And all I get is ActionLink(). You said that the team will iterate over these for a while, does that mean it's not in the futures assembly either? Maybe I'm missing something obvious.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Why is it that when i created a new MVC web content the code behind was not created only the aspx?... it looks like the MvcRC is different from the Mvc Beta version... it's very quite strange now i can't get the ViewData.Model when I try to inhirit the viewpage and it give me an error Html.Encode( can not find the context when infact i already import this class

  • would it be possible to extract an IHtmlHelper interface? the reason I ask this, is it would be really great to be able to have an extension method written as so:

    in any given view, with regards to user permissions:

    then, instead of having to use ugly if statements in our controllers to route an authorized user to an alternate view, we could just have the view dictate which elements to display, based upon userPerms sent via the controller.

  • I'm sad, yet happy, to say I have finally jumped off the MVC bandwagon. I have been following and using it in a couple of development projects since Preview 1, but the bottom line is, it still takes too long to do anything in this framework. If you want just a straight-forward, data-entry application, well jump right on, but if you want control over your application and need a little spunk and power, please save yourself time and use something like Silverlight or webforms instead. MVC has its [limited] uses but please watch your step and realize how much work will go into your application. You would think with how much time was put into this project they would realize people need more UI functionality than a couple of HTML helpers...where's the grid with the ability to arrange columns, sort, etc without a major hack and a dozen JavaScript files? Sorry Scott, I really was right there with you on this one, but maybe my hopes were too high for RC1.

  • Hi Scott,
    How does MVC plan to handle localization, especially of View resources?

  • We're building new website with MVC, most of UI elements will be implemented as user controls for reusing in other projects. But I've seen no article or tutorial about how to create and use views, user controls, as well as controllers in separate assemblies. Does MVC support it for now?


  • I have the same problem as Fandi.
    (/temp/global.asax(1): error ASPPARSE: Could not load type 'WebClient.MvcApplication'.)

    Is there any way to resolve it?

  • Fandi,
    I understood what's wrong with AspNetCompiler.
    It's a well known problem. It's because Asp.Net compiler can't find the binaries.
    Change output path in your web project.
    For example:



  • Hi Scott,
    With you example: "When a user attempts to create a Product with invalid Product property values (for example: a string “Bogus” instead of a valid Decimal value), the form will redisplay and flag the invalid input elements in red", it doesn't seem to set a default error message for showing in the validation summary - instead leaving it blank against the item in the ModelState. Is there any way of setting this message such as "Please enter a valid decimal value?"



  • Excuse me, my English is very poor.
    ...the fieldName is hard coded in the HtmlHelper class...
    not "strongly typed"

  • Can anyone tell me what happened to ComponentController?

  • Controls for MVC like Rich faces for JSF?

  • Thanks!!
    Article is usefull !

  • Hi Scott.

    Could be made to work with input "id" aswell as "name". There are scenarios where you might want items a grid to always be editable (e.g. quantity on an inventory list or a shopping cart page.) Also will there be any 'data-pager' / 'data-sort' helpers for LINQ in the final release?

    I understand you can write custom code, but these seem too fundamental to miss?!

    Best Regards.


  • Scott Gu : " We expect to ship the final ASP.NET MVC 1.0 release next month"

    Hey Scott,
    Thanks for your useful articles. and also for information about MVC Technology!
    But the question is , what happened to you and MVC ? There aren't any posts of you during the February, And I wanted to Say, Me, my team and of course a lot of other developers are fully worry about you and MVC, So please Keep us inform! ;-)

  • I am hoping that ASP.NET MVC final release is shipped very very soon

  • Migrating from Beta to RC1

    Someone had this problem?

    I've installed MVC RC1 and intend to change the beta notation for no code behind views:
    Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage`1[[Namespace.Class, Assembly]]"

    to the new and cleaner syntaxis, and I have this error:
    Parser Error
    Could not load type 'System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage'

    I have to remark that on a new clean project the syntaxis works ok.

    Any ideas?


  • A very nice article.

  • Scott,

    What's the word on the final release of 1.0? I tested RC2 and like it, but I have to get my team and servers upgraded. If 1.0 is going to be released in a few days/week, should I just wait?

  • Hello,
    someone know when the final release will be available ?

  • Almost 10 years after Struts MVC...nice ! :)

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